
Karaoke Anything! works well with most songs. However, some songs work better than others. We rely on our users to let us know of songs they discover work well as karaoke songs.

Latest songs added:
01. (Eagles) Hotel California
02. (Van Halen) Jump
03. (Dean Martin) Evening in Roma
04. (Hole) Celebrity Skin
05. (Wild Cherry) Play that funky music
06. (AC/DC) Shook me all night long
07. (AC/DC) Back in Black
08. (Dexy's Midnight Runners) Eileen
09. (Queen) We will rock you
10. (Tommy Tutone) Jenny 8675309

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Karaoke Anything! is a freeware program that lets you turn your PC into the ultimate karaoke machine!

Realtime audio processing allows you to remove the vocals from almost any song making it perfect for karaoke!

What song formats can you use?
Karaoke Anything! supports both .mp3 files and regular CD Audio. You can either open an mp3 or simply insert an Audio CD into your CD/DVD drive and you're ready to go!

How does it work?
Karaoke Anything! uses a vocal removing technique that sums the left channel with the inverse of the right. It then places the results into both channels. We call it the "karaoke effect".

Many songs are mixed with the vocals being almost equally loud in both the left and right channels. This is done to give the effect of the vocalist being "center stage" when you play it back on your stereo.

When the karaoke effect is applied to this type of recording, the vocals will disappear or come close to disappearing as they cancel eachother out. Note: the "karaoke effect" does not work on mono recordings or in stereo recordings where the vocals are mixed off center.

About 75% of the songs we tried work pretty well... some work better than others. But finding a good song is half the fun ;)


Karaoke Anything! is freeware. It has no adware or spy ware of any kind and is not crippled in any way. You can use it as long as you like! 

Requirements: Works with Window® 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. Pentium II or better.
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